
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Why I sleep in a coffin – Charlyboy

Sleeping in a Coffin???
Point of correction, I do not sleep in a
casket, I sleep on my bed, it’s big and
comfy, I only lay in my “casket” when I do
my meditation because it helps me to be
focused, it tells me more about the
imminence of death. My casket is a
reminder. It wakes me up from slumber. It
tells me,” guy, you have got little or no time
left, wake up, be creative and work” Of
course, when I read some of the comments
of my people, I know a good number of us
are ill-informed about quite a number of
things. I think it is more of what the casket
represents that shocks my people and they
start reading meanings into it, depending
on their level of understanding. But one
question is, what if the same wood that was
used to build the casket was used to make
a sofa chair? May be, all the hullabaloo
about me sitting on a chair wouldn’t have
been there in the first place? So when
people vocalize their disapproval of my
message via the image of a casket, I
understand that they do that from a
position of Fear, fear of what the casket
represents- Death. So whatever people fear
they antagonize. But, the fact that I have
reminded myself and even you about death
does not really change a thing. It won’t
draw your death near, and it won’t even
shift it away. All it does is simply a
reminder, to thread carefully.
MY Coffin sensitizes
Only if a kidnapper can buy a casket for
himself today, and begin to lay inside,
constantly reminding himself that death
looms even as he goes about kidnapping
and extorting money from families. It’s
possible to realize at a point that all his
activities will one day end up in a casket,
and there, his flesh will rotten. The same is
applicable to all evil doers. They need to
realize, like in the famous book, “Waiting
for Godot” that the world is bizarre and
empty, as vanity plus vanity will always end
up in vanity. Crime no dey pay jor.
My Coffin preaches:
Take a critical look at my
image inside the coffin, it
speaks volume. I always lay in my casket
with my cap, glasses, shoes on. I’m always
well dressed. Yes, it is always done
intentionally to tell us that your glory
disappears with all the wealth you must
have acquired the very day you go to that
coffin. Your glory-your cap goes with you,
your vision-your glasses goes with you;
your struggle-your shoes goes with you.
The only thing left of you is your history
and your legacy. The crux of the message is
to leave a legacy, so we can live forever,
not in the physical, but in people’s
memories. As for me, I will live forever. You
dey vex???
We are blind because of our fears
Who knows what any of us sees from the
privacy of our own blindness? Make no
mistakes, each of us is blind in a particular
way, just as each of us is sighted uniquely.
Consider how each of us is blinded by what
we fear. If we fear heights, we are blind to
the humility vast perspectives bring. If we
fear Passion, we are blind to the comfort of
Oneness. If we fear change, we are blind to
the abundance of life. If we fear death, we
are blind to the mystery of the unknown.
And since to fear is something thoroughly
human, to be blind is unavoidable. It is
what each of us must struggle to overcome.
To a large degree, I have overcome my fear
of death, all I ask God, is that may my
death not be painful. I’m sure some of you
know how my cousin who was killed by
kidnappers died an agonizing death. You
see, in the course of our lives, we all
stumble and struggle, repeatedly, in and
out of relationship, in and out of the grace
of the hidden wholeness of life, most of us
struggle and stumble with the uncertainty
of tomorrow as Nigerians. I have discovered
that in the course of our lives, and as blind
children, we may never know what we are
called to be until we have learned what we
are called to become by simply overcoming
our fears. In life, death is the most
important reminder of all activities. Abi you
dey vex???


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